Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Guest Blog Writers

::Writer Submission Guidelines and The Mommies Network welcome submissions from writers.

Articles should be between 500 and 1200 words. Articles should relate in some way to motherhood and the aspects of motherhood (children, pregnancy, etc.), organization or decorating, home management, or holidays (crafts, safety tips, decorative ideas, etc.). These articles will be considered for multiple websites throughout the United States and may be available to more than one website at a time.

You may also write about events and activities within in the immediate vicinity, but these articles will be limited to only.

In return, we will provide in return a 50 word by-line, which may include a link to your personal site.

To submit an article, please send an email to and attach your article in Word or PDF format to the email. Please provide your by-line at the end of your article.

Thank you for your interest in writing for and The Mommies Network.


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